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We use the Utah Core State Standards as a guideline for creating our lesson plans. We provide a healthy balance of allowing the children to learn through hands on play and direct instruction. Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies will be incorporated through the themes chosen for each week and will be taught through free choice play, whole group instruction, and table work with one on one instruction.

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Language Arts

Name & correctly form letters a-z/A-Z

Recall sounds of A-Z

Phonemic awareness practice (rhyming/segmenting/blending/syllables)

Early literacy concepts

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Count to 20+

Name & correctly form numbers 0-10

Calendar concepts

Recognize basic shapes



Comparing measurable attributes

1 to 1 correspondence

Addition & subtraction to 5

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Weather & seasons

Living & non living things 

Life cycles of plants and animals 

5 Senses & the body

Matter and motion

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Connection Corner

Name & recognize feelings

Calming strategies

Breath work & meditation

Mindfulness games

Gratitude practice

Social skills role playing


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Free Choice Play

Creation Station

(art of varying mediums)

Writing Center

(fine motor skills)

Reading Rug

(stories, concepts of print, & comprehension)

Sensory Table

(discovery through touch & exploration)

Dramatic Play

(dress ups and imaginative play)

Toy Area

(large and small motor manipulatives)

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Yoga, Music and Movement

Yoga poses

Singing and dancing

Rhythm & sound with instruments

Body awareness & appreciation

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