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The “yoga way” is a an all-encompassing approach to learning. At Grow with the Flow Preschool, we don't just teach the ABC’s and 123’s, but we also aim to nourish and empower the whole child; mind, body, and spirit. We do this through implementing mindfulness, meditation, yoga and movement, academic learning, and of course play! 


We believe that having influence in a child’s life comes from a solid foundation built on authentic connection. We create this connection in our classrooms through practicing mindful presence, empathy, and intentional positive interactions. We consciously approach children with respect, seeing them as valuable whole beings just as they are. We celebrate the unique and diverse qualities of each child, and strive to instill self love and confidence. 


We believe in providing a physical environment that encourages curiosity, discovery, and fun,  while also providing an organized structure and a predictable routine. This safe and grounding atmosphere will allow your child to develop a growth mindset, emotional intelligence, social skills, and a chance to academically blossom at their own pace.

Meet the Teacher

My name is Karli Johnson and I am so excited to learn and grow alongside your children! 


Ever since I was a little girl, I had a desire to become a teacher. My dreams came true when I graduated from Utah State University in 2011 with a degree in Early Childhood Education. I immediately began working as a full time Kindergarten teacher at a wonderful charter school in Nibley, Utah. Working in Kindergarten for 6 years taught me many things. I discovered that there is real power in positive reinforcement as a classroom management tool, that children rise to the occasion when clear expectations are taught and modeled, and most importantly that my heart belongs in spaces where it can love and empower young children.


In 2017, I moved to Farmington and transitioned to full time stay-at-home-mom with my three children. At the beginning of this time, I became introduced to the practice of meditation and yoga and quickly fell in love. I slowly started implementing these tools at home with my children alongside content from companies such as Big Life Journal (growth mindset resources) and Generation Mindful (emotional intelligence resources). I found that sharing these tools with my kids was giving them greater self awareness, confidence, resilience, and coping mechanisms to manage big feelings and the struggles of childhood. 

In 2020, I completed my YTT 200 certification at Back Pocket Yoga Studio. Now being qualified to teach yoga and early childhood education, I began imagining how I could blend these two worlds into a unique preschool experience. A place where I could not only prepare little ones to be ready for Kindergarten, but prepare them to be ready for life! This is how Grow with the Flow Preschool came to be and I am so excited to be on this journey with you.


Daily Schedule

 15 min.           Connection Corner

This is a beautiful way to begin each day, as we provide a space for your child to connect with themself and each other before jumping into the school day. In this space your child will be introduced to a variety of engaging and playful breathing exercises, practice bringing awareness to their body and surroundings through mindfulness activities, become familiar with their emotions and practice strategies to regulate them, and build self love and confidence through gratitude, affirmations, and conversation.

1 hour              Free Choice Play

A time for your child to discover and express their unique interests through engaging in a diverse selection of learning activities. They will gain valuable social experience in learning how to cooperate with peers, how to problem solve, how to make friends, share, and so much more. Each center activity (detailed on the “curriculum” page) will be intentionally chosen to fit a thematic unit and will have specific learning objectives in mind. It may look like “just play”, but your child will be building a foundation in reading, writing, math, science, art, and developing fine and large motor skills through the process. 

10-15 min.      Whole Group Instruction

A time spent gathered on the floor to practice calendar concepts, counting and math foundations, phonemic awareness, early literacy skills, and enjoy story time. These lessons will encourage constant group involvement and will provide the practice of classroom participation skills like raising your hand, waiting your turn, and asking and answering questions. 

10 min.            Snack Time

A small snack and drink will be provided daily. This is a time to practice manners, learn about healthy food choices, and to try new things. Please let me know of any food sensitivities or allergies at the beginning of the school year. 

10-15 min.      Table Work

A time to experience sitting in a chair and working like a “big kid”. This time will be used to strengthen the fine motor skills needed to write through projects that involve coloring, cutting, and gluing. Here we will practice correct letter and number formations while encouraging proper pencil grip. We will also engage in exciting science experiments as they fit into our thematic units. 

 25 min.          Yoga, Music and Movement

A time to develop large motor skills while on our yoga mats. Yoga poses and sequences will be taught in a variety of playful and creative ways. This will be a time to become familiar with our amazing bodies and build appreciation for all that they can do. We will also have fun singing songs, listening and dancing to music, and experimenting with rhythm, sound, and instruments.

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